The Management Board of RAFAMET S.A. informs about asignificant contract with the company Tangshan Baichuan  Intelligent  Machine  Co.,  Ltd. from China.The subject of the contract is the delivery of a Tandem Underfloor Wheel Lathe type 2 UGE 180 N, which will be delivered to Tel Aviv Light Rail in Israel.
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RAFAMET S.A. in Restructuring

Staszica 1, 47-420 Kuźnia Raciborska, Poland
Tel. +48 327 213 300
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REGON: 271577318
KRS: 0000069588, Sąd Rejonowy w Gliwicach
BDO: 000017172

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Zarządca Fabryki Obrabiarek Rafamet S.A. – Ogólnopolskie Centrum Restrukturyzacji Sp. z o.o.

ul. Bojkowska 43C lokal 0.05, 44-100 Gliwice, Polska
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NIP: 648-280-91-56
KRS: 0000966033