The competences of the Supervisory Board are governed by the Polish Code of Commercial Companies, the Statutes of the Company and the Regulation of Supervisory Board dated 26 October 2020. The Supervisory Board consists of at least five members appointed to serve a common three-year term. The current term of the Supervisory Board begun in 27 Juny 2022.

> Regulation of Supervisory Board (available in Polish)

The Audit Committee operates within the Supervisory Board, the principles of its operation are regulated by the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Oversight, as well as the Regulations of the Audit Committee of October 9, 2017. 

Regulation of Audit Committee (available in Polish)


Members of the Supervisory Board of RAFAMET S.A.:

Mrs. Aleksandra Rybak - Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board
Mr. Bartosz Matan - Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mrs. Elżbieta Cius - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr. Jakub Kaczmarek - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr. Grzegorz Pazura - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr. Daniel Wiśniowski - Member of the Supervisory Board


For more information visit Polish site.



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