RAFAMET signed a concract with Polski Tabor Szynowy Sp. z o.o. for the delivery of the UBF 112 N


The 14th European Economic Congress was held on 25-27 April 2022, at the International Congress


The UBF 112 N Above Floor Wheel Lathe will be delivered to Slovakia in the first quarter of 2023.


Management Board of RAFAMET S.A. informed about the impact of the armed conflict in Ukraine and


On March 17, 2023 RAFAMET has signed an Agreement with the TABOR Dębica Sp. z o.o. from Poland.


RAFAMET S.A. and TBI Technology Sp. z o.o. see the possibility of commercial and production

The Industrial Development Agency (ARP) has purchased 1,899,315 Rafamet shares under the tender

Management Board of RAFAMET S.A. has confirmed the order to deliver UFB 125 N Above Floor Wheel


RAFAMET would like to inform that the company received an order on December 3 from SNCF Voyageurs in


Order from Hebei K.N.T. Technology Development Co., Ltd from China to deliver 2 UGE 150 N Double


On Monday, October 11, 2021, during the 7th edition of the ARP "Business Mixer" meetings in


On October 11, 2021, the largest shareholder of the Company – the Industrial Development Agency


We have signed an agreement with AZ-LOCOMAT, s.r.o. from the Slovak Republic for a CNC


On Saturday, August 28, 2021, a picnic was held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the


RAFAMET S.A. will build a Underfloor Wheel Lathe for the machining of wheelsets for Metro in


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